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There're two ways in GitProtect to open the restore view, both of them have been described below.
Open the DevOps tab and then select the Bitbucket tab. After finding the organization/project on the dashboard click on the Manage & Restore button.
In the next step search for the repository that you want to restore and select the Restore button available on the action menu for each repository.
You can also open the restore view through Storage browsing. Open the Storages tab and click the Browse storage button visible on the storage action menu. After opening the restore window click on the Device section. Now you'll be able to see every repository that has been backed up and sent to the selected storage. Choose one of the available repositories to proceed.
So the first step after getting into the restore window is to select the backup plan that we want to restore the data. Click on Backup plans and choose one of the available plans from the list.
After doing so, head to the Backup copies section.
This section gives you the possibility to choose the backup version between all the backups that have been already performed.
Choose the desired date and click on the Restore button, which will display another window, where you can choose data to restore.
By default, the system restores the whole repository (all the files included in it, the source code, etc.), but the metadata of the repository is optional. GitProtect allows you to select only part of the data that you need to restore.
After choosing the repository and the optional metadata that you want to include during the restore process click on the Restore selected button or Restore all button, which will open another aside called Restore data.
It consists of 4 sections:
Which was available in the previous step, but you can still edit it.
That allows you to select the destination of the restore process. At this moment it gives you the possibility to select one of the assigned organizations of any Git service or any device assigned to GitProtect.
By selecting Git Organization, you will have the possibility to select one of the authorized Git services in your GitProtect instance. If it comes to the Device, the system will list all assigned GitProtect workers. By selecting one of the devices, you'll also have the option to select the exact destination path.
To restore the repository to the local device you have to have a local Git client installed on this device.
You can restore only repository (without metadata), if you restore the data to the local resources!
Make sure, that the device, to which you want to restore data to has GitProtect Agent installed and the Git client is added to the Path environment variable. The Path variable should be configured automatically after the Git installation (system restart may be required), but if it isn't, set it as the path to the git.exe file:
C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe
To configure the Path variable, go to the environment variables, select the Path variable, and hit the Edit button.
Now copy the git.exe file path and paste it into the Path variable.
You can set the custom name for a repository that will be created during the restore process.
It is possible to enter a new repository name in the following variants.
If you enter the repository name (eg adambijax/test) the repository will be restored with the chosen name for the indicated project.
In the example given, it will be the test repository in the adambijax project. If the project name entered does not exist, the repository will be simply restored to your personal account(the one that you've used for authentication in GitProtect).
If you enter only the name of the repository (e.g. test) the repository will be restored in the original project.
When you enter the name of a repository that already exists in your organization, the restore will fail.
Restoring will never overwrite existing repositories in the organization. If you do not choose the repository name, the restored repository will have its original name with an automatically generated suffix.
The last section gives the possibility to choose the device, that will be responsible for performing the restoration.
After defining all these parameters click Start now button, which will run the restore process.
When the restore process will be over, a new repository will be created in your organization account.
This article contains the details about the recovery process of the Bitbucket DC repository to both Git service and GitProtect worker.