Configure a blob storage

How to Configure a Storage Account and Blob Storage in Azure

Create a storage account

To create a storage account, navigate to the "Create a resource" section at the top left corner of the Azure Portal. In the search bar, type "Storage account" and select "Create" from the results. You will be taken to a configuration page where you need to fill in several fields. Choose your subscription and select or create a new resource group. Enter a unique name for your storage account, ensuring it meets the global uniqueness requirement. Choose a region where you want your storage account to be located. For performance, you can choose between Standard and Premium based on your needs. Select the redundancy option, such as Locally-redundant storage (LRS) or Geo-redundant storage (GRS), depending on your data redundancy requirements.

Next, configure the networking options. Decide whether you want the storage account to be accessible via the public internet, a private virtual network, or both. In the advanced settings, you can configure additional options like data access and encryption. If you have specific management requirements, add tags in the "Tags" section. Once all settings are configured, review your selections and click "Create" to finalize the creation of your storage account.

After the storage account is created, you need to create a blob storage container. Navigate to your newly created storage account and select "Containers" from the side menu. Click on " + Container" to add a new container. Enter a name for your container and select the appropriate access level (private, blob, or container). Click "Create" to set up your container.

Last updated