Registration and overview
This article contains information on how to register the free trial version of GitProtect SaaS.
To register in the system and start using GitProtect SaaS, go to our website and select the SIGN UP FREE button in the upper right corner or click on this link:
Create a free account. Fill the field with your email address and hit the Sign up free button.
Complete the form with your name and username, and organization name, and decide, where you want to deploy your management service (the United States or Europe).
At the end, specify your password, and optionally check the checkbox to decide, that you want to receive newsletters with the best GitProtect content.
Hit the Sign up for free button.
After we create a service for you, it will automatically redirect you to the address of your service.
A message with details will be sent to your e-mail address, which was used to create an account.
Last updated